I've blogged, before. A long time ago, in another life, I used to write a blog. The blog was about this stay at home mom with three kids. I made people laugh, or so I hear. Somewhere in there, however, my life simply got too complicated to blog about, at least for me. So, I stopped writing.
I've tried to go back for some time to the old blog, and I have from time to time posted things. But, I couldn't figure out a way to post most of the things I wanted without some kind of weird, jarring, disconnect between the "old me" that wrote the "old blog" and the person writing this one. Granted, I'm not pretending I had more than a few people who regularly read my writing. Still, I couldn't, mentally, get over that emotional chasm. My new life was and IS still in the "closet" to some of those people who do check in from time to time. So, the end result was: I didn't blog anymore.
But, I missed the outlet. I missed sitting down and writing something and sending my ideas and thoughts out into cyberspace, even if no one but me ever reads anything that I write here. Most bloggers will tell you that they write mostly for themselves anyway. If anyone reads about, or cares about, what they write, well, this is just icing on the cake.
And so, with that in mind, I hearby inaugurate my "new" blog. However, just cause I think there is some good stuff there (in my less than humble opinion) here's where you can find my old blog.
You might actually find that I recycle some of the posts from that blog here when I feel they are useful, relevant, and interesting. But I am hoping this "clean slate" mentality gives me the chance to continue to write without feeling I have to figure out how to bridge the gap between where I was then, and who I am now. So, lets see if I can write more often than once every six months. I hope you will come join me in the garden. I promise to be appropriately dressed for visitors, at least most of the time.
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